
Is it normal to exercise during menstruation?

Is it normal to exercise during menstruation?

Can I exercise during my period?

Is it normal to exercise during menstruation?

Many people may wonder whether they can exercise normally during menstruation. Are there any prohibitions or precautions or will it have any effects on the body? Because menstruation is already quite difficult for women.

During menstruation, women will experience symptoms such as fatigue, headache, stomachache, mood swings, and irritability. During that time of the month, most women tend to feel tired, exhausted, and weak, so they tend to avoid exercising during this time because they think that exercising will make them feel more tired. However, in reality, during that time of the month, you can exercise, but it should be light exercise, especially during the first 1-3 days of your period, because this is when your period will be the heaviest. Suitable exercises during menstruation include light cardio exercises, yoga, Pilates, walking, slow jogging, light weight lifting, dancing, and strength training such as push-ups, sit-ups, planks, etc.

Exercising while you’re menstruating has several positive effects on your mind and body, including:

  1. Helps reduce premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms such as bloating, cramps, headache, back pain, breast tenderness and mood swings, which are symptoms that women experience 2-3 days before their period.
  2. It helps increase the secretion of endorphins or happy substances, which helps to improve mood and make you feel better. In addition, endorphins are also natural painkillers, which help to relieve pain during menstruation.
  3. Helps improve blood circulation, resulting in reduced cramps, headaches, stomachaches and back pain that occur during menstruation.
  4. Helps relieve menstrual pain (Dysmenorrhea), which is another suffering for women that greatly interferes with daily life. Symptoms include pain in the lower abdomen. Light exercise may help improve your menstrual pain.
  5. Helps you sleep better. Exercise can help relieve the pain that comes with menstruation, which helps you feel more relaxed and sleep better.

When exercising during menstruation, you should not exercise more strenuously than your physical condition allows. You should choose light exercises, avoid swimming because germs in the water can cause uterine infections, and you should not fast during menstruation.

Exercising too hard or too hard can be the cause of missed periods or stopping periods. This is most commonly found in athletes or people who train heavily. Another case is not exercising for a long time and then going back to exercising hard can also cause missed periods or stopping periods.

Although exercise during menstruation is beneficial, it does not mean that all forms of exercise are acceptable. Some types of exercise should be avoided and exercise should not be overdone to avoid injury or affect your health.