นอนละเมอ (Sleepwalking) สัญญาณเตือนสุขภาพที่ไม่ควรมองข้าม

Sleepwalking: A Health Warning Sign That Shouldn't Be Ignored

Sleepwalking: A Health Warning Sign That Shouldn't Be Ignored
Sleepwalking: A health warning sign that should not be overlooked

When someone walks or does activities while not awake, it is a symptom called sleepwalking, which is a physical disorder that occurs while sleeping that manifests itself in various behaviors. And sleepwalking can be more dangerous than many people think.

Sleepwalking often occurs in the early stages of sleep and shows various behaviors such as sitting up in bed, looking around, grabbing blankets or pillows. In severe cases, people will stand up, walk around, walk out of the room, go up and down stairs or out of the house, eat, talk to themselves, run or try to escape from the danger they feel at that time. Sleepwalking is another sign that indicates the quality of sleep is not very good.

Sleepwalking while sleeping is a type of sleep disorder that is divided into 2 different stages: Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep and non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) sleep. In normal people, sleepwalking will be short and will disappear on its own soon. However, if it is severe, the symptoms will be quite frequent and disrupt daily life, such as waking up in the morning and feeling that you did not get enough sleep, feeling tired, and having difficulty concentrating on work. You should consult a doctor to reduce stress and behaviors that cause sleepwalking, and in some cases, medication may be required to improve the quality of your sleep.

Sleepwalking occurs when the human brain is in deep sleep and changes suddenly. This change involves the inclusion of waking electrical waves, causing sleepwalking to be a state of semi-awake sleep. It is common in children, so it is assumed that the cause of sleepwalking may be due to the brain that is not fully developed, so there is a risk of sleepwalking. Genetics is also a part that causes sleepwalking. If both parents have sleepwalking, the child will have a higher chance of sleepwalking than others. External factors related to sleepwalking include certain physical illnesses, stress, the use of certain medications, stress, and certain diseases that cause unstable sleep and symptoms of waking up.

Sleepwalking mostly occurs during deep sleep and dreaming. If it is sleepwalking, talking, crying, sweating, heart palpitations, sleepwalking tends to occur during deep sleep. Sleepwalking during dreaming is often like a nightmare. Waking up and remembering what happened. If dreaming of walking, running or fighting, the body will normally prevent it from actually happening. But if there is real body movement, whether walking, running, kicking or punching, it is considered abnormal behavior while sleeping.

People who sleepwalk while they sleep will also experience other symptoms that occur during or after sleepwalking, such as sitting up in bed with their eyes open, being confused or disoriented upon waking, having partial or complete memory loss from sleepwalking, and aggressive behavior after being awakened.

There is no cure for sleepwalking because most of the time these symptoms go away on their own, so try to find a relaxing and stress-free bedtime routine. Try to go to bed at the same time every night. Keep your bedroom dark and quiet. Avoid looking at screens right before bed. Limit alcohol consumption before bed and always use the bathroom before going to bed.

Sleepwalking is a common symptom that occurs without your knowing. It is a symptom of a changing brain system. Normally, sleepwalking will go away on its own. However, if the symptoms affect your daily life, such as not being able to concentrate on work or not getting enough sleep, you should consult and receive treatment from a doctor.