Various types of sleeping pillows

Body Pillow

A health pillow with a unique design that divides the firmness into two parts, providing proper support for the body while sleeping.

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Nine Pillow

Sleeping pillow that supports 9 important points in one pillow, suitable for side sleeping.

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Leg Pillow

Leg pillow for supine sleeping

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Reduce acid reflux with the Gerd Pillow

Sleeping pillows help reduce acid reflux symptoms.

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Jay Pillow

Pregnancy pillow or side sleeping pillow for people with a height of no more than 165 centimeters

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Positioning Pillows

Positioning pillow

While we sleep, our arms and legs are like the branches of a large tree that the trunk must bear. Sleeping pillows are like support poles that support the body, helping to support the weight of parts of the body that the pillow cannot support, such as arms, legs, torso, and hips. If properly supported, the body will be in the correct alignment, reducing the risk of excessive muscle stretching, contraction, and tension.

Sleeping on your side is more prone to spinal twisting than other sleeping positions, so it's best to have several pillows to support you.

This is a positioning pillow for side sleeping.

Body Pillow Ergonomic design

The Body Pillow helps you sleep more comfortably on your side. It is special because it is divided into 2 parts of firmness to suit the body position it supports. The arms are less firm, while the legs are firmer to support more weight on the legs.

Use a Body Pillow to sleep on your side or half-supine for people with shoulder and back pain.

Leg Pillow for back sleeping

For those with narrow hips, a small waist, or back pain, a leg pillow should be used to support the legs while sleeping on your back, relax the back muscles, and keep your back flat on the mattress.

All-in-one Nine Pillow

Award-winning pillows designed by physical therapists to help you sleep better as if you had a physical therapist on hand.

The Nine pillow supports the head, upper back, lower back, thighs, and knees simultaneously. It supports the weight of all parts to relax the muscles of the core of the body. It is suitable for people who are taller than 165 cm and those who mainly sleep on their sides.

Helps reduce the risk of spinal twisting

The Nine Pillow reduces pressure on the shoulders and hips, allowing you to sleep in a semi-supine position, which helps avoid the weight on the shoulders and hips that is common in side sleeping.

Pregnant mothers use the Nine Sleeping Pillow to help them sleep on their sides when their pregnancy is starting to grow.