BodyScale Pillow has 5 firmness levels.
Select according to the weight, height and sleeping position of the sleeper.
BodyScale Pillow Original vs. New Model
- Added pleats to the edge of the pillow to provide more support to the neck and prevent fibers from flowing outside the area being supported.
- Added wedge-shaped side edges to help the pillow support distance be consistent even when using the pillow's edges, preventing the neck from drooping.
Designed by physical therapists to fit your head weight, shoulder width and sleeping style, the pillow comes in 5 sizes and firmness levels. The pillow supports your neck and head, providing 0-15 degrees of neck and spine angle. Choose the right size for you by taking the BestFIT™ Test.
Add pleats and curved edges
The pleats on the pillow help control the shape of the pillow to be raised where it fits snugly against the neck and help the pillow stay in shape. It does not fall out of the pillow even when propped up on the edge of the pillow.
The highest point of the pillow is right at the pleat point, which is closer to the nape of the neck than the original point in the middle of the pillow.
Add wedge-shaped side edges
The wedge-shaped side edges help maintain the same height across the pillow, allowing the New BodyScale pillow to be supported up to the edges without falling off.
The pillow edges are rounded so that your shoulders don't press on the pillow when you sleep.
One side has a curved edge, one side has a sharp edge. Sleep on the curved side.
The curved edges of the pillow help the pillow fit the neck better, reducing the problem of shoulders pressing on the pillow, which is a common problem for side sleepers.
Get the right pillow as if you were trying it out yourself.
Pillow selection program developed by physical therapists
BestFIT helps you choose the right pillow based on your weight, height and sleeping position. It works on your web browser, no need to download a program.